Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Brownie chocolate drink

The chocolate brownie is known worldwide as being one of the top treats humans enjoy. And it is no wonder, they are soft, chewy, and delicious, especially with a tall glass of cold milk. Kids and adults everywhere love these little treats. Many of us grew up with these in our lives, happily enjoying them several times a year. One of the best things about them was they did not seem to need a special holiday or occasion in order for them to be made. They were just there, it seemed like, and what a great treat they were.

For anyone a little older, you may recall that there was a time when the chocolate brownie was made almost exclusively at home. It was rare to actually eat a store-bought one. In many cases, baking was actually a family event where everyone got in on the action by doing something to help out.

1 comment:

  1. I love to try and taste this yummy chocolate drink! Thanks for sharing such a great recipe!

    Haley McAdams
    Food Safety Management Systems
